Corporate Hosting Plan Special Conditions:
¹ File
archives and free email services are not
permitted on these servers. This plan suits websites that are suitable for a shared hosting environment. Please click here to read more...
² This plan suits websites that are suitable for a shared hosting environment. Please click here to read more...
High Volume website's whose bandwidth usage becomes excessive and uneconomical and/or impractable for us to host on a shared server environment, will be contacted by us. In the event we require you to move from a shared hosting account, we will discuss the options available to you, which may include hosting on virtual servers, or dedicated server hosting. What constitutes excessive bandwidth usage is decided by our upstream providers. Please be sure to email
us us if you expect your website to have high traffic requirements, or if you are planning on switching a high bandwidth website to this hosting plan.
³ Setting
up free email services are not permitted on
these servers
can only signup to this hosting plan, if you
agree to setup and pay by monthly automatic
payments. Details on how to setup automatic
payments can be found by clicking
here. Cheque payments are not
permitted with this hosting plan.
EOL* - EOL is an acronym for 'End Of Life'. Server features that have (EOL) next to them, are those that have reached the end of their usable life, and the feature potentially could be removed from the server at any time, and without notice. Products reach the 'End Of Life' stage because the software vendor/developer has either replaced the software with a new version or an entirely new product, or they have phased it out. This means that they no longer provide any support for the software/feature, or provide any security fixes for it. Hence any features that we list that has (EOL) next to it, we don't provide any support for, and the feature is provided 'as is'. We also reserve the right to remove any EOL software/feature from the server without notice, especially if it becomes a security threat, as old software can become susceptible to hackers. Unlike many hosting providers who remove EOL features immediately, we will always try to keep an EOL product available for as long as is practicably possible.
Domain Registration Charges are an additional fee, and are not included in the hosting plan price.
Errors and omissions excepted.